Monday, February 6, 2012

Interview with Yuan Lang

My Interview with Yuan Lang

March 13, 206 B.C

Christian D’Amico

Q. What were you thinking when Ying Zheng’s father died, who would take his throne?
A. I was devastated when his father had passed, but I was honored to see the throne of the Qin State be taken by his noble son. Everyone had asked him what his first decree was going to be. Ying had no answer but I believed he would do something amazing to all of China. His plans were to make 36 provinces and have two government officials watch over one province. It was a great plan; I was surprised that no other province tried to attack him. It would have been quite easy for them because Ying Zheng was such a young King.

Q. What are some of the flaws to the spy system?

           A. Well the spy system requires people to spy on each other at work and at home, everywhere. People who brought in law breakers got rewarded for doing such a good deed to society. People who bring in someone who aren’t actually breaking the law would be executed on the spot. I think lying is a flaw in the spy system because a person could use a false accusation accusing someone of breaking the law. Then that said person could be thrown in jail or executed.

Q. What are the rules of legalism?

           A. The rules for legalism: Legalist’s believe that people are bad. They believe that it is necessary to control and regulate every minute of people's lives so they have the discipline needed to work hard in life. Weather they are simple farmers or heroic warriors. Everyone had to follow orders given by an official. It is even illegal to show disrespect towards the government or say something bad about it. You could be executed or put in jail for a long time.

Q. Explain how bureaucracy sustains China and keeps it under control?

    A. Creating bureaucracy was a main part for unifying China. It keeps everything organized and controlled. I made 36 provinces and split those provinces into districts. I also assigned two government officials to each province and they choose the strongest people to be in charge of each district. This system allows people to make laws in each district and province, they self sustain.  I don’t have to watch out for all these little districts, my government officials in charge can report back to me if in trouble.  

Q. How much longer you think this dynasty will last?

    A. I believe that the Qin dynasty will last for another hundred years of prosperity. For all that I have done for my dynasty it will live on. Through bureaucracy and legalism the Qin dynasty will survive for a long time.   

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